Your internal battles

No one will ever fully be able to understand the internal battles you had to endure just to heal, just to grow, just to make it here today. You should be proud of the way you fought to save yourself. You should be proud of the way you survived. 

In this generation there is so much pressure to be unphased, to be unaffected. The world will try to tell you to just move on, to just distract yourself from what is going on in your heart. It will tell you that you care too much, that you need to move forward as quickly as possible. It happens so often; it can make you question yourself. 

But you know what is going on inside of your own soul. You know your heart. No one around you knows how hard you are trying, how much internal work you have done, how brave it is to heal even when it hurts. No one knows your silent battles. No one around you knows what goes through your mind when the world is quiet, and your thoughts, and your pain, and your memories, and your past knock at your door. No one knows what it is like to be you, moving through this season. And no one knows what you have had to endure, on the deepest level. No one knows what you have truly been through, because they did not personally experience the break or the loss or the hurt. 

- iannmarie

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