Rock Eisteddfod 1994 - 1996

The best extra activities I have joined from 1994 through to 1996. It's a dance cheering competition. My first year in 1994, I was lead dancer. It was so much fun being able to express my interest in dancing at that time. I still do now, but not as good as I was back then. 

The adrenaline rush that we all had to experience travelling from a different suburbs was one of the best part of travelling. We won two year straight at that time and it was the best feeling ever. However, right after we graduated High School, I think the Rock Eisteddfod Academy have put a pause and we haven't heard anything about school competition right after 2000. 

I miss my high school year. Who wouldn't miss such an amazing time during high teen year. 

- iannmarie

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